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Celebrities Who Lifes Poor And Homeless Before Become Popular

The Hollywood Star Who Lifes Poor And Homeless Before Become Popular

Behind the glare of the popularity of Hollywood celebrities apparently saved the sad story of their struggle until this moment you know! Competing in the entertainment world to make their lives go up and down indeterminate. Even once reached to the lowest point and did not have a home!
And here are a few Hollywood celebrities who've known ever tasted bitter period of their career. Even to the homeless.

1. Jim Carrey
Who does not know the American comedian this one. Yep! Jim Carrey. Hollywood star started his career from the bottom. Growing from poor families and unemployed father made Jim had to work extra for a luxurious life as it is today. In fact, he and his family had no home and sleeping in a car caravan.
But his dream did not recede because of unfavorable conditions. Jimmy has aspirations to become a big star. And with repeated practice, Jimmy finally got a golden opportunity to open the way. He was a brilliant success with the ability to change the facial expressions of the rubber.

2. Halle Berry
Next is a trophy oscar-winning star, Halle Berry. Starring 'Cat Woman' turns through steep road to be successful as it is today. She ran out of her property when she moved to New York to pursue her dream as an actress.
As her career did not go smoothly as expected, Halle ask the help of their parents in order to survive in the city. Unfortunately, the family circumstances do not allow to make Halle obscure displaced and living in New York. Until finally the hard life teaches Halle to form a strong character and she is successful in acting as it is now.

3. Jennifer Lopez
Pop diva and actress, Jennifer Lopez became a row of stars rich in Hollywood. With so many employment contracts and success in various fields, making J.Lo so rich in American women. But who's to say if the singer 'Dance Again' has never felt the pain of life.
Her dream as a dancer mother resisted. However, strong determination dragging J.Lo to get out of the house and had to live alone without family support. Before his talents known in Europe, J.Lo sofa bed in training. Fortunately determination and hard work that is strong is able to reverse the sweat J.Lo with abundant dollar purse.

4. Kelly Clarkson
Before becoming a star thanks to 'American Idol, Kelly Clarkson have difficulty surviving quite heavy. A fire incident required him to stay without a home. She slept in the car that she had only one.
Fortunately luck brought Kelly to audition talent search in America. And old talent buried drove Kelly to be a star on the Hollywood paid millions of dollars.

5. Steve Jobs
Businessman genius founder of Apple, Steve Jobs there is not a comfortable life when he was still in college. Difficult economic conditions make Steve Jobs often can not afford a dorm room, and willing to sleep on the floor in friends' rooms.
To eat it, Steve must collect bottles of drinks that can be exchanged with the dollar coin. And begging at the temple of Hindu habit Steve college. For the sake of a good meal once a week, he was willing to walk as far as 11 km. But now Steve is able to reverse the situation by building a successful world companies, namely Apple.

6. Sylvester Stallone
Action star Sylvester Stallone also had a bad time when he began his career as an actor. Not infrequently a man born in 1946 was rejected by a number of people diindustri entertainment. Even when the money is not enough for ordinary rental apartments, she was forced to sleep in the bus terminal of New York.
He really did not have any property to have to sell his dog for $ 25 dollars to buy food. But the wheels kept spinning, and Sylvester was able to breathe when his talents were able to make money while playing the movie 'The Party at Kitty' in 1970.

7. Hilary Swank
Hilary Swank is known as a Hollywood star with extraordinary acting talent. Her ability in acting was awarded Best Actress in 'Academy Award' twice.
But in the year 1990's life is completely different. The financial condition of a mediocre make this star had to sleep in the car with her parents. Not directly so cinderela overnight, Hilary climbed the career slowly. She had enjoyed sleeping on a mat in the house she rents from her theme until now can choose any bed models.
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